What to Expect
I offer a range of styles, sometimes interwoven and sometimes as focussed sessions. In class we practise fluid vinyasa movement, restful yin approaches, mobility practises, in-depth meditations and detailed myofascial release techniques.
There is always poetry and a bangin’ soundtrack. Lessons are joyful, energetic explorations designed to develop the body’s strength and flexibility, hone the mind’s knowledge of active, safe alignment and give you space to feel.
Expect invitations to move freely, fluid honing of sequences and delicious adjustments (if desired), offering more safety and space in poses.
Public Online Classes
The bulk of my energy is currently focused on my work with stateless and refugee communities.
In the land of yoga, I am offering monthly events – to book check out my booking page.
I am committed to inclusive teaching. This means if class prices are outside your budget, I am always open to a discount, instalments or payment via exchange. This can be a skill swap, an artistic gift, home grown veg, etc. Contact me with your suggestions – I look forward to subverting capitalism with you.