This is a community space we travel to each time we step onto a mat together.
Moving the body as a portal to soul work, this is a safe place to practise re-membering what your body often already knows.

– Anon,
– Dana,
– Anon,
– Anon,
– April,
– Imran,
Hey, I’m Tamara.
I am interested in supporting you in reclaiming your inherent connection to your body and inner world through movement, meditation and play.
Often, modern life moves us away from this, but I argue this connection is our natural state. Together we will explore tools to heal and transform ourselves, in order to transform our world.
In this work I draw on, acknowledge, and thank the Indian tradition of yoga, that I am blessed and privileged to access in this lifetime. For more details of the Republic’s vibe and principles, see our Manifesto.
I offer a range of styles, sometimes interwoven and sometimes as focussed sessions. In class we practise fluid vinyasa movement, restful yin approaches, mobility practises, in-depth meditations and detailed myofascial release techniques.
There is always poetry and a bangin’ soundtrack. Lessons are joyful, energetic explorations designed to develop the body’s strength and flexibility, hone the mind’s knowledge of active, safe alignment and give you space to feel.
Expect invitations to move freely, fluid honing of sequences and delicious adjustments (if desired), offering more safety and space in poses.